Switch to whole grains

A 4-week challenge to inspire Europeans to eat more whole grains

Why this initiative?

Diets low in whole grains are recognised as the leading dietary risk factor for ill-health, disability, and early death in Europe.

Eating more whole grains lowers our risk of developing non-communicable diseases, such as colorectal cancer, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes. Despite these well-documented health benefits, EU overall whole grain intake remains very low.

What are whole grains?

Whole grains refer to cereal grains that contain all three parts of the entire cereal grain (kernel): the bran, the germ, and the endosperm.

  • The bran: the fibre-rich outer layer of the kernel.
  • The germ: the nutrient-packed inner core of the kernel, containing many vitamins and minerals.
  • The endosperm: the central part of the kernel, primarily composed of starchy carbohydrates and proteins.

Examples of whole grains include whole wheat, brown rice, bulgur, millet, oatmeal, quinoa, whole rye, and many more!

What are the benefits of whole grains?

They’re a good source of vitamins & minerals

They’re high in dietary fibre

They help reduce our disease risk

They’re environmentally friendly

They add taste and texture to meals

Thinking of trying whole grains?

Switch To Whole Grains inspires and supports people to try switching white, refined grains for whole grain alternatives for one month and beyond. 

Ready to make the switch? Sign up for the 4-week challenge today by clicking the button below and unlock access to these amazing resources:

4 challenges to take part in, 1 per week

Delicious recipes

Tips & tricks to eat more whole grains

Join the social media campaign

Which whole grains are you switching to? Show us on social media using the hashtag #SwitchToWholeGrains and tagging @eufic. Over on @eufic, we will be championing healthy eating and sharing knowledge on the advantages of whole grains!

🌱☃️Oh, the weather outside is frightful and I've bought some corn for popping. Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! Did you know that #popcorn, a special kind of flint maize, is considered a #wholegrain?😋Popcorn is an affordable and healthy plant-based snack when it's air-popped and served without ingredients high in fat, salt, or sugar because it is a whole grain, high in fiber, and relatively low in calories.🎄Bring the frosty festivities in, celebrate winter, and warm up your home with whole grains like Grandma Sita's edible snowman made out of popcorn. This cute snowman snack jar is a great creative grain swap for a Christmas movie night!👵💚 Grandma Sita's tip:
*Store corn in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. Corn products have a best-before date, meaning that they can often be eaten after that date has passed. If it looks, smells, and tastes good, and the packaging is also intact, it will most likely be safe.📗Snowmen are a popular theme for Christmas and winter decorations and also in children's media. Traditional snowmen have coal or buttons for eyes, a carrot for the nose, and sticks for arms, but don't stop there! You can get as creative as you want with your snowman's accessories.💪Whole grains refer to cereal grains containing all three parts of the cereal grain (kernel): the bran, the germ, and the endosperm. Packed with nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and fibre, helps with weight management while being a better choice for our planet!👩‍🍳Whole grains aren’t just nutritious, they add a nutty, earthy flavor. Whole grains can be used in various dishes, from salads and soups to main courses and desserts, making them a versatile ingredient in any kitchen.🌾The eufic, in collaboration with the Whole Grain Initiative, is raising awareness about the benefits of whole grains to inspire more people to enjoy them. Join the #SwitchToWholeGrains challenge!🌎Adding whole grains to your plant-based meals is a simple way to improve your nutrition, keep yourself healthy, and even help the planet. Luckily, there are different types of whole grains worldwide to choose locally. Win-win!#grandmasita #foodeducation
💡Πρωινό ή Μεσημεριανό ή Βραδινό❓❓❓❓Σπανακοτυρόπιτα με χυλό από αλεύρι ντίνκελ & βρώμης.
*  Συνοδεύω 🥝🍊για πρωινό
* ή 🥗 για κύριο γεύμα#διατροφολόγος #διαιτολόγος #διαιτολογικό_γραφείο #διατροφή_εξ_αποστάσεως #σπανάκι
#πλούσιο_σε_βιταμίνες_&_μέταλλα #υγεία #λαχανικά #θρεπτικό_γεύμα  #διατροφή
#diet #nutritious #DietLowFodmap #Asi_diet #dietitian #AsiNutritionist #dietitianeats #e_diet_support #online_diet #healthy_lifestyle_recipes
Τι να μαγειρέψω σήμερα;💡Ιδέα κινόα κοκκινιστό με λαχανικά.. μια εναλλακτική του γνωστού 'κριθαράκι κοκκινιστό με λαχανικά'.
Ένα γρήγορο φαγητό που φτιάχνουμε στην κατσαρόλα.Με αυτή την αλλαγή κερδίζουμε τρώγοντας ένα ολόκληρο τρόφιμο ( όχι επεξεργασμένο) φουλ σε βιταμινούλες, φυτικές ίνες κ.α.#διατροφολόγος #διαιτολόγος #διατροφή_εξ_αποστάσεως #κινόα #πλούσιο_σε_βιταμίνες_&_μέταλλα #υγεία #λαχανικά #θρεπτικό_γεύμα  #διατροφή
#diet #nutritious #DietLowFodmap #Asi_diet #dietitian #AsiNutritionist #dietitianeats #e_diet_support
O pâine pufoasă, bine dospită 😍 plină de făinuri bune 🧡 #switchtowholegrainsGrâu integrală
Spelta integrală
Emmer integrală
Albă de secară
Albă de grâu#sourdough #sourdoughbread #bread #sourdoughstarter #maianaturala #maia #paine #painecumaia #sourdoughbreads #sourdoughclub #sourdoughbaking #countrysourdough

Sign up for the #SwitchToWholeGrains 4-week challenge

Learn to identify whole grain products, cook delicious meals, find practical tips for a smooth switch, and much more!

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